Citizen Engagement in the Energy Transition: Community energy concepts in Central and Eastern Europe

Forenzelt 3: Energie - Klimaschutz

Technische Universität Berlin, Fachgebiet Umweltprüfungen

Citizen energy concepts, whether as citizen energy cooperatives, citizen energy communities or renewable energy communities, have gained momentum in the last years. These innovative approaches aim to propel the energy transition forward by fostering decentralized energy production led by citizens who actively engage as „prosumers“. The primary focus of citizen energy concepts lies in promoting a participatory energy supply aligned with core social values.

The panel discussion will highlight DBU-funded projects in Central and Eastern Europe. These projects tackle a spectrum of challenges encountered during the dissemination of citizen energy concepts, offering insights into the development of ideas and solutions tailored to diverse social, cultural, regulatory, and economic contexts. Drawing conclusions from these experiences, we also aim to discern valuable insights applicable to the German context, providing crucial support for the energy transition through citizen-led initiatives.

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Katharina Habersbrunner
Bündnis Bürgerenergie
Pranvera Selimi
Alumna DBU-Fellowship Programm
Michael Krug
TU München, Lehrstuhl für Umwelt- und Klimapolitik und Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Schleswig-Holstein
Agim Selami
ZIP Institute, North Macedonia
Prof. Dr. Gesa Geißler
Technische Universität Berlin (Moderation)
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